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Friday, January 23, 2015


Posted by shabeer Ahamed F

Before a C program is compiled in a compiler, source code is processed by a program called preprocessor. This process is called preprocessing. Commands used in preprocessor are called preprocessor directives and they begin with “#” symbol. Below is the list of preprocessor directives that C language offers.
This macro defines constant value and can be any of the basic data types.
Header file inclusion
The source code of the file “file_name” is included in the main program at the specified place
Conditional compilation
#ifdef, #endif, #if, #else,  #ifndef
Set of commands are included or excluded in source program before compilation with respect to the condition
Other directives
#undef, #pragma
#undef is used to undefine a defined macro variable. #Pragma is used to call a function before and after main function in a C program

The C Preprocessor is not part of the compiler, but is a separate step in the compilation process. In simplistic terms, a C Preprocessor is just a text substitution tool and they instruct compiler to do required pre-processing before actual compilation. We'll refer to the C Preprocessor as the C.
All preprocessor commands begin with a pound symbol (#). It must be the first nonblank character, and for readability, a preprocessor directive should begin in first column. Following section lists down all important preprocessor directives:

Substitutes a preprocessor macro
Inserts a particular header from another file
Undefines a preprocessor macro
Returns true if this macro is defined
Returns true if this macro is not defined
Tests if a compile time condition is true
The alternative for #if
#else an #if in one statement
Ends preprocessor conditional
Prints error message on stderr
Issues special commands to the compiler, using a standardized method

The C preprocessor modifies a source code file before handing it over to the compiler. You're most likely used to using the preprocessor to include files directly into other files, or #define constants, but the preprocessor can also be used to create "inline" code using macros expanded at compile time and to prevent code from being compiled twice.
There are essentially three uses of the preprocessor:

1.      Directives,
2.      Constants, and
3.      Macros.

Directives are commands that tell the preprocessor to skip part of a file, include another file, or define a constant or macro. Directives always begin with a sharp sign (#) and for readability should be placed flush to the left of the page. All other uses of the preprocessor involve processing #defined constants or macros. Typically, constants and macros are written in ALL CAPS to indicate they are special.

1. Directives
The #include directive tells the preprocessor to grab the text of a file and place it directly into the current file. Typically, such statements are placed at the top of a program--hence the name "header file" for files thus included.

Analyze the following examples to understand various directives.
This directive tells the C to replace instances of MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH with 20. Use #define for constants to increase readability.

#include "myheader.h"
These directives tell the C to get stdio.h from System Libraries and add the text to the current source file. The next line tells C to get myheader.h from the local directory and add the content to the current source file.
2. Constants

If we write
#define [identifier name] [value]
Whenever [identifier name] shows up in the file, it will be replaced by [value].

If we are defining a constant in terms of a mathematical expression, it is wise to surround the entire value in parentheses:
#define PI_PLUS_ONE (3.14 + 1)
By doing so, you avoid the possibility that an order of operations issue will destroy the meaning of your constant:
x = PI_PLUS_ONE * 5;
Without parentheses, the above would be converted to
x = 3.14 + 1 * 5;
This would result in 1 * 5 being evaluated before the addition, not after. Oops!

It is also possible to write simply
#define [identifier name]
Which defines [identifier name] without giving it a value. This can be useful in conjunction with another set of directives that allow conditional compilation.
3. Macros
The other major use of the preprocessor is to define macros. The advantage of a macro is that it can be type-neutral (this can also be a disadvantage, of course), and it's inline directly into the code, so there isn't any function call overhead.
Note that in C++, it's possible to get around both of these issues with template functions and the inline keyword.

A macro definition is usually of the following form:
#define MACRO_NAME(arg1, arg2, ...) [code to expand to]
For instance, a simple increment macro might look like this: 
#define INCREMENT(x) x++
They look a lot like function calls, but they're not so simple. There are actually a couple of tricky points when it comes to working with macros. First, remember that the exact text of the macro argument is "pasted in" to the macro. For instance, if you wrote something like this: 
#define MULT(x, y) x * y
and then wrote
int z = MULT(3 + 2, 4 + 2);
what value do you expect z to end up with? The obvious answer, 30, is wrong! That's because what happens when the macro MULT expands is that it looks like this: 
int z = 3 + 2 * 4 + 2;    // 2 * 4 will be evaluated first!
So z would end up with the value 13! This is almost certainly not what you want to happen. The way to avoid it is to force the arguments themselves to be evaluated before the rest of the macro body. You can do this by surrounding them by parentheses in the macro definition: 
#define MULT(x, y) (x) * (y)
// now MULT(3 + 2, 4 + 2) will expand to (3 + 2) * (4 + 2)

#define ADD_FIVE(a) (a) + 5

int x = ADD_FIVE(3) * 3;

// this expands to (3) + 5 * 3, so 5 * 3 is evaluated first

// Now x is 18, not 24!

To fix this, you generally want to surround the whole macro body with parentheses to prevent the surrounding context from affecting the macro body. 
#define ADD_FIVE(a) ((a) + 5)

int x = ADD_FIVE(3) * 3;
On the other hand, if you have a multiline macro that you are using for its side effects, rather than to compute a value, you probably want to wrap it within curly braces so you don't have problems when using it following an if statement. 
// We use a trick involving exclusive-or to swap two variables
#define SWAP(a, b)  a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b;
int x = 10;
int y = 5;

// works OK
SWAP(x, y);

// What happens now?
if(x < 0)
    SWAP(x, y);
When SWAP is expanded in the second example, only the first statement, a ^= b, is governed by the conditional; the other two statements will always execute. What we really meant was that all of the statements should be grouped together, which we can enforce using curly braces: 
#define SWAP(a, b)  {a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b;} 
Now, there is still a bit more to our story! What if you write code like so: 
#define SWAP(a, b)  { a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; }

int x = 10;
int y = 5;
int z = 4;

// What happens now?
if(x <0 font="">
    SWAP(x, y);
    SWAP(x, z); 
Then it will not compile because semicolon after the closing curly brace will break the flow between if and else. The solution? Use a do-while loop: 
#define SWAP(a, b)  do { a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; } while ( 0 )

int x = 10;
int y = 5;
int z = 4;

// What happens now?
if(x <0 font="">
    SWAP(x, y);
    SWAP(x, z); 
Now the semi-colon doesn't break anything because it is part of the expression. (By the way, note that we didn't surround the arguments in parentheses because we don't expect anyone to pass an expression into swap!)
By now, you've probably realized why people don't really like using macros. They're dangerous, they're picky, and they're just not that safe. Perhaps the most irritating problem with macros is that you don't want to pass arguments with "side effects" to macros. By side effects, I mean any expression that does something besides evaluate to a value. For instance, ++x evaluates to x+1, but it also increments x. This increment operation is a side effect.

The problem with side effects is that macros don't evaluate their arguments; they just paste them into the macro text when performing the substitution. So something like 
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
int x = 5, y = 10;
int z = MAX(x++, y++);
will end up looking like this:
int z = (x++ < y++ ? y++ : x++)
The problem here is that y++ ends up being evaluated twice! The nasty consequence is that after this expression, y will have a value of 12 rather than the expected 11. This can be a real pain to debug!